Thursday, January 25, 2007


Our Nightmare President

Excellent commentary on the latest output from Idiot Central

"The most despicable aspect of his speech was his Iraq war rhetoric. It's the last card he has, and he's playing it over and over again. Like an abusive husband who controls his wife by threatening violence, Bush warns the nation that unless we obey his wishes, we are gonna be overcome with evil. Lots of evil. It was this fear mongering that persuaded most Americans to support the invasion of Iraq. And now that we find ourselves in a tragic quagmire, this snake oil salesman is telling us to drink more."

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Dvorak Uncensored - Brit Kids To Debate Atheism & Creationism In Classes

"What a concept — let the kids decide on their own what is real and what isn’t via intellectual discourse and study. Imagine what that might lead to?"



Biggest threat to U.S. drinking water? Rust | In Depth |

"From an attack by militants to a decline in snow melt caused by global warming, public fears about the water supply have heightened in the United States.

So who would have thought the top worry among water experts turns out to be rusty pipes?"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Scorpion Stings Vermont Man on Airplane


"A scorpion stung David Sullivan on the back of his right leg, just below the knee, then continued up that leg and down the other, he believes, before getting him again in the shin.

It wasn't what he was expecting on a flight from Chicago to Vermont."

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Why we're so good at recognizing music

A fascinating subject, and equally compelling book.

MONTREAL: 'Listen to this," Daniel Levitin said. "What is it?" He hit a button on his computer keyboard and out came a half-second clip of music. It was just two notes blasted on a raspy electric guitar, but I could immediately identify it: the opening lick to the Rolling Stones' "Brown Sugar."

Then he played another, even shorter snippet: a single chord struck once on piano. Again I could instantly figure out what it was: the first note in Elton John's "Benny and the Jets."

Levitin beamed. "You hear only one note, and you already know who it is," he said. "So what I want to know is: how we do this? Why are we so good at recognizing music?"

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