Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Don't sit up straight! | Chicago Tribune

"Research shows that a good slouch is better for your back than the upright posture we've been taught all along"

Friday, November 24, 2006


Wealth gap swallows up American dream

An interesting overview in case you've wondered why the White House keeps bragging about its greatly improved economy. If you are one of the megarich - It's the truth!

"There's the rich, and then there's everything else, in terms of the economy but also in terms of social class," says Edward Wolff, a New York University professor and expert on the wealth gap. He likens it to the social divisions of the 1890s, adding: "If you don't counteract the extreme inequality trends, I see some social upheaval coming. That's my worst fear."
Link to source article


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Olbermann Schools Bush on The Lessons of Vietnam

Too bad the "student" is such an incompetent fool.

- Frank


Sunday, November 12, 2006


Elton John: Religion encourages hatred - USATODAY.com

"'From my point of view, I would ban religion completely. Organized religion doesn't seem to work. It turns people into really hateful lemmings and it's not really compassionate.'"

Seems to be a growing consensus.

- Frank

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Rare 'Inverted Jenny' stamp may be on envelope inside sealed Fla. ballot box - USATODAY.com

"FORT LAUDERDALE (AP) β€” An absentee ballot was mailed with what may have been a rare stamp worth as much as $200,000 β€” the famous Inverted Jenny β€” but the envelope is in a box that by law can't be opened."

Why is it always in Florida? :-)

- Frank

Friday, November 10, 2006


Eleven New And Happy Things - Santorum dead, religious right imploding, Bush whimpering in the corner. Can we all exhale now?

"The world knows it: This has been, without doubt, one of the ugliest and most depressing half-decades in U.S. history, rife with some of the worst policy and worst warmongering and worst environmental abuses we have ever known."
An excellent look at the current U.S. situation.  Surely, lots to be done to clean up the mess, but so nice to have some optimism for the first time in six years.

   - Frank

Link to original article


Thursday, November 09, 2006


Insights Blog - Bush admits lying

"It’s breath-taking. In one press conference, Bush gives two casual admissions that he has been lying to the public - and nobody notices."

Hopefully, impeachment and criminal charges will soon move up the political to do list.

- Frank



Country of the Victorious Democrats - Kommersant Moscow

"The midterm Congressional elections in the United States brought victory to the Democrats, who won a majority in the House of Representatives and who have a good chance at taking control of the Senate as well. The failure of the Republicans, who have been in power for 12 years, will mean serious adjustments in the course of America's foreign policy, particularly in the direction of Russia. Yesterday US President George Bush announced the retirement of Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld, who was one of the main architects of US foreign policy. With details from Washington is Kommersant's correspondent Dmitry Sidorov. "

An election report from a Russian daily news column.

- Frank



Haggard begins spiritual 'restoration' - USATODAY.com

"'From the Christian perspective, we think in terms of prayer, we think in terms of what we call godly counsel, where godly men who are clean themselves insert themselves in the life of the one who is struggling,' London said.

The symbolic laying on of hands may also be a part of the recovery, London said.

'I'm sure there will be those who lay their hands on Pastor Haggard as an act of faith, calling on the act of God to restore and heal,' he said. 'The prayer can be therapeutic, the laying on of hands can be ceremonial.'"

Huh! "Laying on of hands" and "men... ...insert themselves in the life of..." !!!

This is what Christian "leaders" come up with as therapy for a man who paid for massage from a gay, male prostitute! Is this just dark comedy, poor taste, or complete ignorance?

Do none of them see that maybe the message for Haggard and his ilk is that they should give up their hate and fear based lifestyles and just live by the Golden Rule!

The unnatural thinking espoused by most organized religions has for me, become like an expansive commercial for Atheism!

- Frank


Intelligent Design Suffers Further Setback in Midterms -- Bhattacharjee 2006 (1108): 3 -- ScienceNOW

"Intelligent design (ID) received a drubbing yesterday, with pro-evolution candidates taking control of the Kansas State Board of Education and strengthening their representation on the Ohio State Board of Education. Many scientists also cheered the defeat of Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA), one of the most politically influential supporters of the ID movement."

Evolution at work!

- Frank

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Startling findings in probe of Tillman's death

"The latest inquiry into Tillman's death by friendly fire should end next month; authorities have said they intend to release to the public only a synopsis of their report. But The Associated Press has combed through the results of 21/4 years of investigations -- reviewed thousands of pages of internal Army documents, interviewed dozens of people familiar with the case -- and uncovered some startling findings."

This whole case seems like a sad metaphor for everything the Bush Administration has been involved with.

- Frank



Let's Pretend

This would be a great theme song to play during impeachment hearings.

- Frank


Saturday, November 04, 2006


Evangelical leader Ted Haggard resigns church post - USATODAY.com

"The Rev. Ted Haggard resigned Saturday as leader of the megachurch he founded after a panel recommended the influential evangelist's removal for 'sexually immoral conduct,' the church said Saturday."

Richard Hawkins is correct! - Youtube Video

- Frank


Newspapers for troops call for Rumsfeld's ouster

"'Rumsfeld has lost credibility with the uniformed leadership, with the troops, with Congress and with the public at large. His strategy has failed, and his ability to lead is compromised. And although the blame for our failures in Iraq rests with the secretary, it will be the troops who bear its brunt,' the editorial says, according to an advance copy released Friday. 'The time has come, Mr. President, to face the hard bruising truth: Donald Rumsfeld must go.'"



Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 (Full Text)

Bush and his group of undemocratic Neocons think they can just throw away hundreds of years of legal precedent! The recent Military Commissions Act of 2006 did just that.

Digg in support of the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 and show the power of positive political influence of the Internet!!!

read more | digg story

Friday, November 03, 2006


Britons wary of Bush more than Kim Jong-il: poll - Yahoo! News

"The perceived failings of U.S. foreign policy placed Bush alongside al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, North Korean leader Kim Jong-il and Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a cause of global anxiety, it said."

So it isn't just Americans that feel this way.

- Frank

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